18 February 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons I love being a blogger/reader

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the lovely team at The Broke and the Bookish. There is a new "theme" every Tuesday, and this Tuesday it is all about why we love being bloggers and/or readers. I have made a mash-up since most of these fits both blogger and reader. 

As usual in no particular order: 

I love talking about books, and sometimes I drive my friends insane because of it. So it is nice to just being able to write a post or chat with some bookish friends. 

Of course I love my bookish friends. Because I am a blogger I get to meet bookish people from all over the world - and I love that!

I love me some ARCs (=advance reader copies). I think it is a great way to get the hype going about a certain book - I also just love the fact that I get to read a book I have been waiting for BEFORE it is released, it is awesome!

As I said, talking about books is a big passion for me so the fact that I can just go online and write a post, go on goodreads or book blogging means a lot to me. 

People often recommend me books, because well, they read my blog and think I should read a certain book - and I love that. I love getting recommendations, because some of those recs become some of my favorite books!

I love chatting with other bloggers, and recently I have gotten quite a few new friends and I love it! There is a really good community among us, and I really like being part of it. 

I really don't know what to do while I am on the internet, so last year, when I found out there were so many bookbloggers and booktubers, I started "stalking" them. I read a ton of blogs and watched a bunch of videos. So I decided to join in, and now I finally have something to do!

For some of the posts I write, I have to research a bit. Whether it is about genres, characters, storyline or anything really, I love doing it! I love finding out about new things and telling people about it.

In the beginning one of the things I hated the most was reviewing books, but I have started to enjoy it. I really like telling you about how I feel about a certain book and maybe persuade you to read it. 

Need I say more? 

So what are your reasons? 

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