2 August 2015

The very first Sunday Post here on Little Miss Reader

I have no idea how old this meme is but I've never heard about it before. Since I came back from my blog hiatus I've seen this everywhere and I love the idea of this meme! It's basically a weekly wrap up and even though I didn't use to make weekly wrap ups I want to begin doing them. So, here's my first ever Sunday Post, it's going to be all about the week that happened and what I'm looking forward to in the coming week.

Books I've read or began reading this week
Taking Leaps and Finding Ghosts by Janet DeLee Believarexic by J.J. Johnson

Posts you've might have missed and other things that've happened this week
  • I created a blog schedule! I love being organized and my blog planner has definitely helped me!  I also began using Trello and I have to admit, I'm loving it! 
  • I shared a list of series which I seriously need to finish
  • I took part in Top Ten Tuesday for the first time in a very long time, I love lists!
  • I decided to participate in ARC August! I've even made a TBR and everything. 
  • My application to the University of Southern Denmark was accepted so I'm going to the University this Fall! 
  • I decided to share one of my favorite discoveries of 2015; Manga Classics! 
  • Since July ended I made a Monthly Wrap up which you can read here
  • Confessions of a Tinderella just released so I posted a review of said book yesterday. 

What to look forward to in the coming week
  • Booktubeathon! Since I know which day I'm going back to school I have decided to take part in booktubeathon and maybe one or two more
  •  I'm going to spill the beans about my future, my dreams and everything that's going to happen in my life for the next couple of years. You're going to get to know me better and you're going to see a piece of me I've never really shown you. 
  • You're finding out who my favorite booktubers are!
  • I'm starting a new meme called Book Beginnings - a bit like #fridayreads - and it's on Friday!

New books on my shelf
Around the blogosphere


  1. I"m new to the Sunday Post too! I made my first post last week :D Congrats on getting into university! Have a great week :D

    1. Yay, we can be newbies together!
      Thank you and you too!

  2. Congrats on being accepted to the University, Amanda! What are you going to study? I'm currently more or less in the middle of my Masters in English language and literature... and I have a paper due tomorrow where I need three more pages of text :O After a quick trip to the beach, I'll get back on it ;)
    I love your blog set-up! And the Sunday post is great not only for doing a wrap-up post, but for finding new blogs to follow, too.
    Have a fantastic week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks! I'm going to study comparative literature. Sounds really interesting, I hope you managed to finish your paper! :)
      Thanks! Really glad you like it - my thoughts exactly!
      You too!

  3. Hi and welcome. I've been linking up for a few months and really love this meme.

    And I use Trello as well. I started using it a few months ago as well (for book reviews and reading though had used it for work before that). I must admit I've slipped up over the past few weeks and need to update it however!

    1. It's definitely a great meme!

      How do you use it for work? :) Good luck on getting back on track!

  4. Today is also my 1st day on this post! I'm new to the blogging realm too! Congrats on going to school! Have a great week!

    Sunday Post
