8 August 2015

Meet my favorite booktubers!

I have certain periods where I'm completely obsessed with booktube - if you don't know what booktube is; it's the book community on youtube, instead of being youtubers they're booktubers because they talk about books.
I figured this would be the perfect post since it's the middle of booktubeathon!

I've narrowed it down to 8, I can't take any of these off my list since they are my absolute favorites! I chose to show one of my favorite videos from each booktuber on my list since I want to share the love!

Sanne from booksandquills is definitely high on my list! I often marathon her videos and I always wait for her to upload a new one! She's so nice to listen to, she's so down to earth and it's just a joy to watch her videos.
I've added so many books on my TBR because of her, she always talk positively about anything and I just want more people like her! I wish I knew her in real life, she would be such a great friend!

The next one on my list is a more recent find, I've followed Sasha from abookutopia on instagram for quite a while and one day I stumbled across one of her videos and now I'm obsessed. She is quite crazy in her videos and I often find my cheeks hurting after watching one of her videos! 
Sasha is such a funny person and I definitely use her videos as a pick me up! 

Regan from PeruseProject is one I follow purely because she's such a sweet person and has the greatest taste in books! I didn't read that many science fiction or fantasy books prior to following her, but I've become quite obsessed ever since and she's bascially the reason I read The Final Empire. I really enjoy watching her videos and she's also one of those booktubers where I find myself re-watching their videos until they upload new ones.

I feel like I say everyone of them are sweet, but Riley from Riley Marie is definitely one of the sweetest! I just love watching her videos! One of my favorite things about her is how she doesn't want to offend anyone and she definitely tries to keep everyone happy! 

It's been a while since Shannon from cozyteareads uploaded a video but she's still one of my favorite booktubers! I may have searched in a bunch of stores for a mug she had while I was in Ireland... Just maybe. 
Shannon is one of those people who just radiates happiness! I've not watched a single video from her where I haven't smiled or laughed multiple times! She's the perfect pick me up! Also, she's made me drink so much tea, every time I watch one of her videos I make a cup of tea! 

Alita Joy from A Book Affair has inspired me immensely! She's so sweet and I never read that much nonfiction prior to watching her videos. She's the reason I'm so interested in memoir's and biographies and may have added to my inspirational books obsession. 
She's down to earth and she's so relaxing to listen to! Every time I see she's uploaded a new video I immediately watch it. 

I think Misty from The Book Rat is the reason I'm obsessed with Jane Austen and fairytale retellings. She was the first booktuber I watched who mentioned fairytale retellings and after reading a couple of them I found it to be my favorite genre ever! 
I still love watching her videos, I read her blog and I follow her instagram. I've almost enjoyed every book she's recommended and I definitely trust her when it comes to Austen spinoffs and retellings! 

Lastly we have Jessica from priceiswong, again such a sweet person! She's always smiling and she just makes me so happy! Her enthusiasm is so infectious and the fact that she's a vegetarian (or maybe even vegan) just makes me love her more! 

I feel like I keep saying the same things over and over again but just for the record, all of these girls are sweet! I enjoy watching their videos and all of them are so friendly! 

Name some of your favorite booktubers in the comments!

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