- Guest posts
- Giveaways (only international though)
- First impressions (my first impression of a certain book)
- Spotlight
- Reveals
- Excerpts
- Promos / blitzes
- Blog tour
- Interviews (author, character - you name it)
- Beta reader
- Proofreading
So, let's elaborate
Guest posts
You're welcome to come with your own ideas but I can supply some as well. It shouldn't be more than 400-500 words.
Since I live in Denmark and know how hard it is to find international giveaways I've decided that I'll only post international giveaways. I prefer that my followers can participate in any giveaway I post.
Book Beginnings
I'll feature your book in a book beginning meme on a Friday. I just need the first page (or chapter if it's a short one).
The post will include bio, summary, where to buy and cover. If you want I can throw some teasers in as well as long as you provide them
Any type of reveals!
I'll expect you to send me a word document with the excerpt as well as where the excerpt is from in the book. (chapter 1, 3, 5 and so on)
Blog tour
Since blog tours features a bunch of different things I'm sure I can fit it into my schedule.
I've signed up as a tour host here:
I've signed up as a tour host here:
- Maple Leaf Book Promotions
- Sage's Blog Tours
- TLC Book Tours
- Wordsmith Publicity
- Enchanted Book Promotions
- Bewitching Book Tours
- Xpresso Book Tours
- RockStar Book Tours
With that said, if you have anything else in mind contact me!
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