- At the time I only accept physical copies!
- I put a priority on reviewing print rather than digital copies
- In the case of arcs: When I am done with the copy, I either delete or donate it.
- I cannot guarantee a review; If I give a book 1 or 2 stars I'll only put a review on goodreads and if I mark it as DNF (did not finish) there will not be a review
- When you contact me I'll give you a timeframe for when you can expect a review.
- If you contact me about a book, I will answer you
- When sending a review request I will advice you to send me a mail (which you can find below) which includes:
- a summary
- book details
- the first two or three chapters so I can get a feel for the book.
General info about my reviews:
- I try my best to point out which parts I loved and say positive things about every book. I will not be condescending or down right mean. Some books aren't reviewed on my blog but only on other sites (read below) - generally that goes for the ones I have received for review but haven't enjoyed that much.
- I post a "copy" of every review on amazon, goodreads and book depository. (I am thinking about branching out and post them on other sites as well)
Books I love to review:
- Teen / YA (most undergenres)
- Fairytale-retellings
- Contemporary
- Fantasy
- Science Fiction
- Adult (fiction)
- Contemporary
- Science Fiction
- Fantasy
- Fairytale-retellings
With that said, I often read other genres, so feel free to contact me about another type of genre - except erotica, I simply refuse to read erotica for review!
Self-published books:
I will accept self-published books if it sounds like something I might enjoy.
I am a Book Depository affiliate, which means that when you click on a link on my blog that refer you to the Book Depository - and you buy something - I will get a tiny commission (5%).
Contact me:
You can contact me at lttlemissreader (at) gmail (dot) com
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