16 August 2015

Sunday Post : ARC August and giveaways!

I am really enjoying making these Sunday Posts, unfortunately I forget about them until it's actually Sunday so I have to make my post in a hurry! As usual my week haven't been that eventful but of course stuff happened! 

First we'll make a ARC August update. I feel like I'm doing pretty well but I've marked 4 books as DNF so far for different reasons. 

ARC August update
The Monkey's Secret by Gennifer Choldenko ⎜Black Cairn Point by Claire McFall ⎜The Murder of Adam and Eve by William Dietrich

I shared the beginning of both The Monkey's Secret and More Than This on Friday, if you're interested you can check them out here
I also began Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly, I'm currently 100 pages in and I'm loving it so far! 

Since I read 5 books this week it takes my total of books read this month up to 11 so far! I only have 4 books left on netgalley and 4 physical books left including Trouble is a Friend of Mine. I can definitely clear out all of my review books this month! 

Posts you've might have missed and other things that've happened this week

What to look forward to in the coming week
  • Tomorrow I'll post a review and a giveaway of The Violet Hour (The Violet Hour #1) by Andrea L. Wells. I loved this book and I'm so glad that one of my lucky readers are going to read it too! 
  • On Tuesday I'll share my top ten auto-buy authors! 
  • Andrew Joyce was so kind to ask me if he could do a guest post on my blog and I of course said yes! So on Wednesday there'll be a post about Molly Lee, his book, and a giveaway where two of you can win a copy! 
  • On Thursday I have another review coming your way; Black Cairn Point by Claire McFall! 
  • As usual there'll be a book beginnings post with a beginning of one of the books I've read that week!
  • Lastly there'll be a post listing all the series I won't finish on Saturday! 

Since I didn't receive any books this week I'll just end the post here! Remember to link your sunday posts in the comments! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello! First time visitor - thanks to the Sunday Post! You have got a lot going on! I'll have to check it all out. Happy reads!
