9 February 2014

#AYearAThon: Harry Potter

I made a post about what #AYearAThon is here

I am a potterhead, so ofcourse I had to participate in the read-a-thon! I am currently at the 5. book (Order of the Phoenix) so that is the one I am going to be re-reading this week. It is a big book - 956 - so I don't know whether I will have the time to finish it, but I hope I do!

If you want to join in, you can sign up using goodreads (really easy), just press yes and you are participating! Click here

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter, #5)

Number of pages I've read today: 64
Total number of pages I've read: 64

Number of pages I've read today: 125
Total number of pages I've read: 189

Number of pages I've read today: 58
Total number of pages I've read: 247

Number of pages I've read today: 17
Total number of pages I've read: 264

Number of pages I've read today: 46
Total number of pages I've read: 310

Number of pages I've read today: 96
Total number of pages I've read: 406

Number of pages I've read today: 58
Total number of pages I've read: 464

In conclusion: 
I feel like this exact book is not a book that fits well with read-a-thons, I love the Harry Potter series, but I prefer short or middle sized books for read-a-thons, not 1000 pages! But I have read almost half of it, so it was not an intire waste!

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