Since Ebony from The Book Bee tagged me, I have to do this tag - and I don't mind, I like tags! This tag consists of 7 different ingredients, and there is a question for each ingredient, all you have to do is answer the questions and voila, you have a book cake!
Before I start, I want to tag some people. I tag Michelle from Book-Munchee, Jayd from books, food & other things and Rebecca from Life & Eyeliner
Now on to the tag:
I read Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane a couple of years ago, and I absolutely loved it! There is a bunch of plot twist throughout the entire novel, the setting is amazing! I believe it was the first book I ever read that was set in a mental hospital - which because of that book, is one of my favorite settings.
It was a bit slow in the beginning, because we start out hearing about how our main character Teddy is sea sick and then hearing about his childhood - but when they arrive at Shutter Island, the story totally picks up and you can't put it down!
I have read The Da Vinci Code 2 times I believe, and I love it! It is packed with interesting facts and I love the whole "religion vs. science" theme going on. I love how Dan Brown has created his characters and how he has created this mystery that is one of the most intriguing and mind-blowing mysteries ever. I recommend this book to everyone! Along with Angels and Demons and The Lost Symbol (I didn't like Inferno that much)
We had to read this in school a couple of years ago, and generally books we had to read in that class was really boring so I obviously thought this book was going to be boring as well. But I loved this book, I believe I gave it 5 hearts back then and I am thinking about re-reading it and starting the series. We only read the first one and I didn't know it was a series back then... But let me know if you have read the series and whether or not I should give it a try.
I read this book in one sitting! It was so sweet and enjoyable that I just couldn't put it down. I posted a review of this book on Wednesday, I gave it 5 hearts and I recommend it to everyone!
I grew up with the Harry Potter series, so this is a no-brainer. I love reading about Harry, Ron and Hermione's adventures. I love coming back to Hogwarts and reading about magic. Everything about this series is wonderful - except for the deaths of course...
Even if you aren't tagged, do the tag if you like anyway, and then leave your link so I can see your cake!
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