11 March 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Classics I want to read

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the girls at The Broke and the BookishEvery Tuesday we list our top ten of a certain theme, genre or anything else - basically a top ten of you name it! This Tuesday the list should actually have been our all time favorite books in the genre our hearts desire, but since I don't have 10 favorite books in any genre - and I normally list all my favorite books anyway, I wanted to do something different - but still something along those lines. So I have chosen to do a Top Ten of the classics I want to read (because I figure most of them will be favorites once I've read them). 

But as usual, in no particular order:
Pride and Prejudice is probably one of my favorite books ever - definitly my favorite classic. So I want to read more of her books, but I think my expectations are to high and I am going to be disappointed... But the one I want to read the most is probably Emma. 

I just watched the movie with Keira Knightley (I love Keira) so now I really REALLY want to read Anna Karenina. I wanted to read it before I watched the movie - I actually have a gorgeos edition from the beginning of the 1900s in Danish.. I just want to read it in English

We recently had a Charles Dickens course in English, and since we watched a Oliver Twist adaptation and read an excerpt I really want to read it. I watched the TV-show on DVD some years back while I was sick, and to this day I have loved the story. 

Since this is where vampires originated I seriously want to read it. I want to read a classic vampire book - just to see where it all originated and how the different twists may have come to life and also just to see if I like the original idea. 

I actually have a copy of this on my shelf, I've just never gotten around to it because I fear it will be boring... I forced myself to read the first two books in the LoTR trilogy, but I just gave up with the third one..

I believe I've heard that this is where dystopia originated from, and I hope it's true.. Because it's the reason why I want to read this book....

Burning books? A classic about books? I was hooked once I heard that this involved books, so I am looking forward to reading it!

I got this as a Christmas present because I love fairytales and Grimm's are probably my favorite ones. I have never read all of them, but I will someday, because I have the complete collection. 

I love CSI and I grew up watching the crime shows with my dad, and when the Sherlock movies were released we started to watch and re-watch them. I want to read the original stories and see how I like those, because I generally prefer books over movies - and since I love the movies, this is going to be great!

I bought this on a whim a while back. I had just re-read Pride and Prejudice and was in the mood for another classic... I just never got around to it, so it's been collecting dust on my shelves since. But I will read it eventually. Probably in the Winter, I always read classics during the cold seasons. 

Remember to leave your links in the comments!

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