13 January 2014

Bout of Books 9.0: TBR, Goals, Updates and Wrap up

Bout of Books

Time Devoted to Reading:
All week - hopefully. But since I am starting school today, I probably won't be reading too much. 

700 pages =100 pages a day!
Approximately 4 books by the end of the week.

Books to Read:
I am currently reading The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan and I have about a 100 pages left.
The next 3 books on my TBR are; Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley (265 pages), Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso (105 pages) and lastly UFO in Her Eyes by Xiaolu Guo (208 pages).
If I finish those 4 books, I will pick up the first book in the Mistborn trilogy; The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. - but I will definetely not finish this one, since it is 647 pages long! 

Number of pages I've read today: 120
Total number of pages I've read: 120
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan

Number of pages I've read today: 347
Total number of pages I've read: 467
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan, Bujak and the Strong Force / God's Dice by Martin Amis (short story) and Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley

Number of pages I've read today: 127
Total number of pages I've read: 594
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan, Bujak and the Strong Force / God's Dice by Martin Amis (short story), Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley, Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso

Number of pages I've read today: 8
Total number of pages I've read: 602
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan, Bujak and the Strong Force / God's Dice by Martin Amis (short story), Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley, Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso

Number of pages I've read today: 115
Total number of pages I've read: 717
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan, Bujak and the Strong Force / God's Dice by Martin Amis (short story), Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley, Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, and UFO in her eyes by Xiaolu Guo

Number of pages I've read today: 3
Total number of pages I've read: 720
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan, Bujak and the Strong Force / God's Dice by Martin Amis (short story), Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley, Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, and UFO in her eyes by Xiaolu Guo

Number of pages I've read today: 5
Total number of pages I've read: 725
Finished Books: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan, Bujak and the Strong Force / God's Dice by Martin Amis (short story), Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley, Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso, and UFO in her eyes by Xiaolu Guo

I reached my goal! 

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