I really want to start doing monthly wrap ups, it will hopefully help keeping me on track with my resolutions and challenges, and I can go back and see what my favorite books have been and such in the future. All links in these posts will transport you to my reviews of the books - and not goodreads as they usually do.
This month I read 8 books toward my goal of 50 books, so thats great! The books are listed according to rating!
In January I also read half of White Space (Dark Passages #1) by Ilsa J. Bick. I did not enjoy it, so when I had read half of it, and was still not enjoying it, I marked it as a DNF (=did not finish). (You can read a teaser here)
The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan (series review)
Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
UFO in her eyes by Xiaolu Guo
Erasmus Montanus eller Rasmus Berg (=Erasmus Montanus or Rasmus Berg) by Ludvig Holberg
Average book rating: 3.125 hearts
Favorite book of the month:
I am actually doing very well with both challenges and resolutions.
For my TBR pile reading challenge, I have read 5 books:
4. UFO in her eyes by Xiaolu Guo
The TBR pile challenge is connected with my resolution of reading the books I already own, since every book I read from my bookshelves, counts towards that challenge.
For the Finish the Series challenge, I have finished 1 series:
For the Full House challenge, I have read 7 books
1. Best read so far in 2014: The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson
2. Suspense or Crime: The Ice Princess (Fjällbacka / Patrik Hedström #1) by Camilla Läckberg
3. Reread: Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley
4. Less than 200 pages: Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott
5. Nonfiction: Who is J.K. Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso
6. Book from a series: The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #5) by Rick Riordan (series review)
7. Free or bought very cheaply: UFO in her eyes by Xiaolu Guo
If you want to see how well I am doing with my challenges, check out my Challenges page, since I am updating in regularly.
My 5. resolution is to "use the library more and cut back on buying books"... That resolution is not going that well. This month I read 2 books from the library (The Last Olympian and Living Dead Girl by Elizabeth Scott) and I bought 6 books... It is not that bad since I bought 3 of them for 1$ - the other 3 weren't that expensive either, 1 was 6$ and the last 2 was 4$.
My 6. resolution is to "venture out of my comfort zone". I have read 2 books this month. I read a nonfiction book, which was a biograhy of J.K. Rowling (Who is J.K.Rowling by Pam Pollack and Meg Belviso) . And I read an adult high fantasy book (The Final Empire (Mistborn #1) by Brandon Sanderson)
My 7. resolution is to "participate in read-a-thons" and since it was time for the Bout of Books 9.0 read-a-thon. I was of course participating in it, see my progress, goals and the books I read here.
My extra resolution is "re-read some books" and I re-read one book, and that was Alice in Tumblr-land by Tim Manley
If you want to see how well I am doing with my resolutions, check out my Resolutions page, since I am updating in regularly.
My little sister created her own blog this month, and it would make her day if you stopped by and maybe write a comment. She calls it The Secret Diary of a Bookaholic - and she has some spelling errors, but it's fine!
One of my friends also made a blog this month: Book-Munchee
I got a signed copy of The Battersea Park Road to Enlightment by Isabal Losada. (see the post here)
I participated in the Bout of Books 9.0 read-a-thon, which was really fun! If you want to see how well I did, check my post here.
Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson, I found the wikia page for the series, and I just want to write all the things I know about the first book on there, but I don't know how... But I love checking it out and read about the different things!
I just learned to use Edelweiss! I have known about it since I started blogging, but it wasn't until I found this post on Book Riot, that I knew how to navigate and find the review copies on there.
My blog! I have a bunch of ideas for posts and mini-series, so I have tried to either write drafts or reached out to people this month. Since I am trying to put together a booktuber mini-series, and I want to make sure that they don't mind me using one of their videos.
Book Reviews:
Valentine's Day! Me and my boyfriend has been together for 14 months on Valentines and he asked me out. Last year we didn't go anywhere, because well, we had just gotten together. So this year he wants to do something special.
The release of Alienated (Alienated #1) by Melissa Landers - I can't wait!
How well did you do in January?