26 January 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Ways in which I want to improve, bookish edition

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today is actually a freehie which means we get to choose which topic to make a list from. I'm still kind of inspired by the New Year so I'm going to talk about the ways in which I want to improve - bookish edition.

Read for me and not for everyone else
I want to read books I actually want to read and not just what everyone else is reading. I love talking about books with other people, but if I'm not that interested I probably shouldn't read it.

I seriously need to get better when it comes to DNF-ing (mark books as 'did not finish'). I am quite terrible at it and I always just push myself to read it through - or I put it down if it's one of my own books and it's going to collect dust on my shelf. I should probably give those books away.

Read my shelf
Yes, this is one of my challenges this year - basically because I suck. I buy a bunch of books and then they just sit on my shelf for at least a couple of months. I need to stop always reading review-books and books from the library.

Buy less
This counts for everything but mainly books. I'm quite the book hoarder and 2016 is the year where that ends! In January I've received 5 books so far and I haven't actually bought any of them - so at least I'm on track.

Snack healthier
I always munch on something while reading so why not make those snacks fruits, vegetables, nuts etc. instead of all that sugar? It's actually a resolution of mine this year; to become healthier, but I haven't actually shared that one with you guys.

Write reviews within 24 hours of finishing a book
I still have 3 books I read back in December waiting to be reviewed, and the books I read now is also neglected due to those 3 books. I need to become better at writing a review almost immediately after finishing a book. 

Take the time to read more lengthy books
Don't really read books with 500+ Pages that often. That needs to change.

In which ways do you want to improve?


  1. I'm with you on SO many of these, but the two that really stick out are reading my shelf and reviewing immediately. I have SO many books. Just so many. But I almost always choose to read an arc or library book first. Reviewing immediately is especially an issue for me because I tend to lose details of the last book the minute I start a new one. I have a few from Dec, too, that probably won't even get a review because I can't remember enough about them to write one. *Sobs* Great list!
    My TTT

  2. I like the writing the reviews within 24 hours, that's not always easy to do!!I want to keep my blog fun and interesting, and enjoy my reading, because that's why I read..I enjoyed this post and wish you luck!!
