23 May 2014

Blog tour stop: Rain by Christie Cote (Review, Q&A, Guest Post and giveaway)

Series: Rain #1
Publication date: May 6, 2014
Publisher: CreateSpace
Genres: YA Contemporary, Realistic Fiction
Format: eArc
Source: Christe Cote 
Pages: 188

Taylor Sullivan took her life for granted until she received news that would change her life forever. In a state of denial she met Kyle, who didn’t end up being what she expected. She wasn’t able to escape her new reality, but with his friendship, just maybe she could survive it.

The summary is pretty vague when it comes down to what this book is actually about, but when you read the first chapter everything is revealed. I had no idea that this book was about a girl with cancer – and before you think The Fault in Our Stars, stop, this book is nothing like TFiOS, it’s great but please don’t compare it to it. The opening paragraph is so

beautiful you really have to read it for yourself: I watched the rain hurl itself against my window. Every so often I would see a flash of light in the darkness. The weather seemed to know how I felt and was displaying my sorrow outside. I felt compelled to go out and feel the rain against my skin. It felt like the sky was crying for me, even though I knew in reality that wasn’t true. When I read those lines I knew this book was going to be great. It’s so beautiful and somehow so poetic.

 Lengthwise Rain is not that long, it’s a little less than 200 pages but it feels so long – and that’s not meant in a bad way. Somehow Christie has written a 200 page book that feels like 4-500 page book – that is indeed a skill. I loved every part of this book, there wasn’t really those dull moments that generally seem to be in books. This was packed with emotional moments; sweet, sad, uplifting, depressing, hopeless, loving, intriguing – you name it.

 I don’t know if it’s sad that I could relate to Taylor, but I felt for her or rather; I felt with her. I could relate to her feelings, her thoughts, her actions – it felt as if I was her. The conversations with Kyle, the Stranger from across the road, made me laugh and whenever they were together I couldn’t stop smiling. I loved them together and I adored how he treated her.

 Even though this book is about a girl with cancer trying to live it’s also so much more. It’s about friendship, first love – and second, family and life in general. I can’t wait ‘till the sequel comes out – even though this could be a phenomenal standalone. On that note I think I’ll wrap up. If you hadn’t guessed already I gave this book the fantastic 5 heart rating. As I’ve said a couple of times I love every part of this book, and it deserves no less that 5 hearts!

Q&A with Christe Cote

Q: Where did you get the inspiration for Rain from?
A: I had to start a new realistic fiction story for a fiction writing class in college. I decided to write about a character with an illness and then a scene with rain came to my mind. The rain aspect was very strong and I just went with it. I never expected to write an entire novel, I had never finished writing a book before.

Q: Why did you choose to write about a girl with cancer? 
A: This probably sounds morbid, but I have been interested in cancer since I was in middle school. I have done researched and read a lot about it. I was interested in nursing so I could help people with cancer, but writing about it and spreading awareness that way might be my way to make a difference right now.

Q: How did you create your characters?
A: As I was writing the characters just appeared in my mind, and over time as I wrote the story, they developed.

Q: Have you always wanted to be a writer?
A: I have wanted to be a writer since eighth grade, or that is when I believe I developed the idea. The want grew stronger over time and I was pretty intent on becoming a writer when I was a senior in high school.

Q: Was it your own choice to become an indie author, and why?
A: Yes, it was my choice to become an indie author. I thought about trying to get traditionally published, but I really liked the idea of having full control over my book and making all of the decisions. It is a lot of work, but has been a rewarding process and I have learned a lot.

Q: What is your favorite book by another self-published author, and why?
A: Slammed by Colleen Hoover, but she is now traditionally published by Atria. She has a wonderful success story from self-publishing Slammed. It is a fantastic book, I highly recommend it!

Q: Is there a book you wish you had written?
A: All of them. HAHA. Honestly, I’m not sure if I really wished I had written someone else’s story, especially one of my favorites. I mean the success would be nice, but I also would miss out on the reading experience for the book. When you write a story, you don’t appreciate it or love it the same way as when you read an awesome story for the first time. Does that make sense?

Why Christie chose to be a writer

I’m not sure if I chose to be a writer, or if it is something that I just am. I love to write, and since I began writing my passion for it has exploded. There is something so personal and intimate about writing, and it is the most magical feeling I have ever experienced. When I write, I get lost in the world I am creating, and I just can’t imagine never experiencing that. So I guess in short, I am a writer because I can’t imagine not writing. Without it, I would have a major hole in my life.

To win an e-copy of Rain all you have to do is answer a single question as usual: What is your favorite book by an indie author? (remember to leave your email address in the comment so I have a way of contacting you in case you win). 

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